Have a free crochet pattern you’d like to submit?
We’d love to share the link to your high quality free crochet pattern!
All submissions are free.
Simply enter your information in the form below, be sure to provide a pattern summary or description in the “content” section, make sure your links are correct, and submit a lovely photo highlighting your work.
- photos can not exceed 1500 pixels
- description needs to be 500+ words
- description can NOT be exactly the same as a description on your own website – please provide a unique and original description for use on The Free Family Crochet
All pattern submissions must be crochet projects of your own creation and they must link to a free pattern.
If your submission is accepted, thefreecrochetfamily.com will share the photo and link back to the pattern on your website.
We do NOT share the actual pattern.
By submitting your pattern link and photograph you are giving thefreecrochetfamily.com permission to share them.
Please see our Sharing Policy for details before you submit your information.
All submissions will be reviewed before publishing. Please keep in mind that not all patterns will be posted. If your pattern was not accepted, please try again!
Please note that your pattern may be chosen as one of our featured patterns, if so, it will appear on our featured patterns page and also be shared in our weekly newsletter.
If you have any questions, feel free to email us at thefreecrochetfamily(at)gmail(dot)com.